Lumps under the tongue, often cause annoying complaints due to the resulting blockage. This complaint can be a sign of several diseases. Starting from the harmless, to more serious. Knowing the cause of the lump under the tongue can help you be more vigilant, so you can get proper treatment when needed.
The bumps referred to here are not small, normal bumps on the surface of the tongue. These lumps generally feel lumps under the tongue, maybe even accompanied by pain or injury. It can even interfere with the function of the mouth, such as for eating or talking.
Some Causes of Lumps Under the Tongue
Some diseases that may appear with symptoms of a lump under the tongue, namely:Ranula
Ranula is a cyst that arises due to salivary glands that are blocked in the mouth. These cysts grow as bumps under the tongue or at the base of the mouth. The size of these lumps varies. There are small and not enlarged, there is also a small initially and then gradually become large, generally does not cause pain. Color cysts can appear clear or bluish. Sometimes ranula can cause difficulty swallowing or talking. The management of the ranula is determined according to its size, the doctor may make an incision to remove the cyst fluid to deflate it, or suggest surgery.
Sialolithiasis, also known as salivary gland stones, can cause swelling of the salivary glands, commonly in the floor of the mouth (submandibular glands). It also can affect the salivary glands in the inner cheek area (parotid gland), and under the tongue (sublingual gland). If the stone size is still small, then the dentist can help remove it with a little push. But for stones that are quite large, the doctor needs to make an incision to remove it.
Salivary gland cancer
Salivary glands number in the hundreds and are found throughout the oral cavity, nose and throat. Although this cancer is most commonly found in the salivary glands in the cheek area (parotid gland), salivary gland cancer can also occur in the submandibular glands (floor of the mouth) and sublingual (under the tongue). Treatment can be given in the form of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgery, depending on how far the disease travels and the spread of cancer cells.
Tongue Cancer
Another possibility when a lump appears under the tongue is the presence of tongue cancer. In addition to under the tongue, tongue cancer can also appear at the base (one third of the back of the tongue) and the front of the tongue. Tongue cancer usually occurs in people over the age of 40 years. This disease affects more men than women. People who are at risk for this disease are those who have the habit of smoking and consuming alcohol.
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